Ortac_Rx Licencing
Ortac_Rx for AirSpy receivers (ver, is released under the following licence conditions. Full details are in the End User Licence Agreement (EULA), which must be agreed before the programme will run.
Individuals and Educational Establishments Donation-ware.
Ortac_Rx is offered free of charge and fully functional to individuals and educational establishments. However the author does ask that if the user continues to find the software useful, that a suitable donation to RFBits fund is made. This will encourage the author to continue future development of the programme.
Commercial and Other Organisations.
The Author requests that Commercial and other non-educational organisations pay £50 per seat for the use of Oratc_Rx.
Important note.
This software is issued as donationware, if you find this software of use, please consider a donation.
Donations / payments can be made via the paypal
Ortac_Rx changelog (major) to
1 Native support for RTL-SDR Blog Ver4 HF mode.
2 2nd sound card output for decoder programs.
3 Smaller FFT bins in FFT/Waterfall.
4 FFT form is now re-sizeable.
5 Synchronous AM improved. to
1 Numerous small changes.
2 Addition of Bresser 5in1 mode.
3 Removal of Kill date. to
1 Numerous small changes.
2 Kill date now 1 Sept 2023. to
1 RTL synth re-work, now correctly tune to within 10Hz even at 1800MHz.
2 Increased ppm adjustment range for RTL.
3 Fix THGR122 temp sensor decode, now works for temp below zero.
4 Changes to threading should help programme lock up on slower machines.
5 Added link to download page in menu.
6 Kill date now 1 Mar 2023.